
Goblin VTuber who knows a little L2D


Read these!
Commission request form within.

Vtuber Art & Rigging


> Payment upfront, via Paypay Invoice ONLY
> Art + Rigging can be paid separately, but no other partial payments
> Commissions will be worked on after payment is confirmed. For a split order, work will pause between stages until payment is again confirmed
> No refunds
> Commissions can be posted, streamed, in videos, edited, etc.
> Commissions CANNOT be resold, merchandised, or otherwise directly monetized unless discussed
> Commissions CANNOT be used as, or to promote, NFTs
> Credit not required. If crediting, please use masculine/neutral words
> Visual reference WITH color palette is required
> Revisions are limited and dependent on type of commission. No revisions after color / at rigging stage
> Commissions may be used to showcase & advertise my work. Questions regarding this should be asked BEFORE payment
> Going against the terms means I will release your model for free, public use

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Examples of art and rigging are available on my twitter.
*By filling out the form below, you confirm that you have read and agree to the terms listed above. By filling the form, you also confirm that you understand the general quality of commission you will receive.

Vtuber Commissions

Simple ArtFull ArtRigging
Half-Body / Chibi80$100$100$
Full Body120$220$200$

Rigging-only commission requests must provide the relevant art files FIRST so I can ensure they are suitable to work with.Wings, horns, tails, large accessories, and other things that are out of the usual range of a model may incur extra cost. Mouth X, Cheek-Puff and Tongue parameters can be done at request, and with understanding my experience rigging them is small. Fully-rigged hands are not available, but "hand tracking" features may be discussed. Every tier includes 3 expressions for free.Additional expressions and other small, flat props are 5$ per
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*Updates to an existing model will be charged at its original price range, not the chart above.

Halfbody / Chibi30$20$30$

Animation isn't my strong suit, so it is limited to simple moving parts and wobbly lines! These are done by hand, not with tweening or live2d.

Art tier concerns the layering and artstyle you want for your model. The style will determine the overall look, and layering is primarily for polish. If you want things to sparkle, jiggle, and move around more as you do... you want more layering!As a baseline, cartoon styles and modern anime styles will almost always be simple.I don't expect everyone to know exactly what they want from a model nor to personally determine how complicated a style might be, so don't be afraid to ask! :)

Rigging is standard across all tiers. Special rigging requests need to be made before the art phase, so any pertinent pieces are properly prepared ahead of time.
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Rigging includes;> Head X / Y / Z
> Body X / Y / Z ** *
> Blinking + Brows
> 3-point Mouth Chart
> Hair Physics
> Accessory Physics ** *
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Body angles may be limited or missing entirely, dependent on size of model.
Accessory physics included by default apply only to some dangling elements; ie hanging earrings, hoodie strings, straps